One of the requirements of membership is that you will be asked to sign a membership pledge form. This is to acknowkedge that you understand and agree to abide by the poicies set forth by the chapter.
I understand that Tau Chi is a member chapter of Tri-Ess, and as such is a local gathering of Tri-Ess members. I pledge to maintain my membership in Tri-Ess as long as I expect to be a member of Tau Chi Chapter.
I understand the need to protect the security and confidentiality of my fellow members, and that anyone who violates this security will be permanently expelled from Tau Chi Chapter at the first such offense. I am in complete agreement with this policy.
I understand that inappropriate sexual behavior will not be tolerated, and will result in permanent expulsion at the first offense. I agree to abide by this policy.
I understand that the punishment for speech, behavior or dress offensive to wives is expulsion at the first offense. This specifically includes promotion of transsexualism. agree completely with this policy.
I understand the "no drugs," "no weapons," and modified "no alcohol" policy of Tau Chi Chapter, and agree to abide by it.
I understand that as a family-oriented support group, Tau Chi Chapter welcomes children at its meetings. The presence of children will not bother me.
I understand that the dress standard for Tau Chi Chapter is ladylike or gentlemanly attire. I agree to abide by this standard.
I agree to abide by the policies of our sympathetic businesses.
I will not be influenced by anti-Tri-Ess trash talk on the internet and other media. In turn, I will not trash other gender-gifted persons or organizations.
I pledge that if I ever decide to pursue an identity other than that of "heterosexual crossdresser," I will convert my membership to "Friends of Tri-Ess" status.
That wasn't so bad was it? Click here to view the Membership Application