Typically we have two events per month, a Boys-R-Us dinner en-homme and our en-femme Chapter Meeting. Occasionally during the year we add special events, especially Elegant Ladies Night Out (an evening on the town where you can dress to the nines) and Guys 'n' Dolls (like Boys-R-Us a birth gender dressed evening, but at a venue where more upscale attire is expected). Throughout the year we have a mixture of events that take place at welcoming member homes, safe public places, and selected business or civic locations in the Houston area. Several of our dressing events are held after normal business hours or in private spaces, and none are open to the public.
Below is a brief description of our plans for the year.
Look at what you are missing out on by not being a member of Tau Chi!
In 2025 our members will be enjoying a widely diverse array of ad-homme dining experiences including: Chinese, seafood, continental, Italian, Japonese, Mexican, Mongolian, German, and of course, Texan. Boys-R-Us provides an excellent opportunity to get to know one another in our masculine side and an excellent ice breaker for new members and for wives.
Our annual Pledge Ceremony happens this month, as we honor each other and pledge fidelity to Tau Chi, Tri-Ess, and all our sisters. Our three S's stand for Support, Serenity, and Service -- the core values of Tri-Ess. Throughout the year, each of us may give of herself in any of these areas, or she may at times need what any of our sisters can provide, whether they draw upon their newness or their experience. No matter your presentation, you should feel beautiful when you're together with us this evening.
Presented roses to our sweethearts
Sharing make-up tips and tricks by members
Cosmetics by an independent beauty consultant
In-house glamour shots, applying what we learned from the past two meetings
Game night playing Bunko, a game typically played by ladies
"History lesson" - Transgender People in Ancient and Medieval Times
Dining out en-femme
Costume store visit, select youe costume for ...
Halloween party with carnival games
Thanksgiving celibration and round table discussion