- Full Tri-Ess Membership ("Membership") is open to heterosexual crossdressers, their spouses, partners and children who are 18 years of age or older and parents (primary focus group).
- Friends of Tri-Ess membership ("Friends") is open to anyone who is not in the primary focus group but who has a constructive interest in Tri-Ess and desires to support its work, and who are 18 years of age or older.
- Tri-Ess does not discriminate on the basis of race, religious preference, physical appearance or disability, genetic sex, marital status, inability to pay, the amount of time spent crossdressed or lack of "passability."
- Tri-Ess offers several types of membership:
- Individual, for those within the primary focus group.
- Couples, for those in committed relationships.
- Family, for additional nuclear family members within the same household, within the primary focus group.
- Friends.
- Sustaining, for those who wish to contribute a donation to the work of Tri-Ess.
- Life, individual and couple.
- Business and professional associate.
Only primary focus group members may vote and hold office.
- Century Club. Anyone whose age plus years of Tri-Ess membership totals 100 or more is entitled to lifetime fee-exempt membership.
- Hardship. For those unable to pay their fees in one annual lump sum, the following program is offered:
- Tier A. - Full membership fees, quarterly installments. Term is one (1) year. May be renewed.
- Tier B. - Membership fees discounted by one-third (1/3). May pay in quarterly installments. Term is one (1) year. May be renewed. This Plan is for those on limited fixed incomes.
- Tier C. - Fee exempt membership for one (1) year, May be renewed only under unusual circumstances. This plan is for those who are in financial hardship.
- Tier D. - Fee exempt membership, lifetime. This Plan is for the terminally ill and those permanently and totally disabled.
It is the responsibility of anyone paying on installments to keep up with the due dates of installment payments and to make them in a timely manner.
- The Department of Membership will be administered by a Manager who will be responsible for operating the Department, and recruiting and training staff as appropriate.
- The Manager shall report semi-annually to the Board of Governance concerning her Department. She may give her report in person at the Board of Governance meeting, or may submit it via e-mail to the Chair of the Board for presentation at the meeting.